still from Dot Matrix
Wolf Tone - 2022
Selected screenings: Boston International Film Festival, Maine International Film Festival, Massachusetts Independent Film Festival, Easthampton Film Festival, Upstate New York Film Festival, Buffalo International Film Festival
Look Around You - 2018
Selected screenings: Buffalo International Film Festival, RPM Fest Boston, UltraCinema Mexico
Dot Matrix - 2017
Selected screenings: Northampton Film Festival, Antimatter Media Festival, Black Maria Film Festival, Florida Film Festival, Athens International Film and Video Festival, Punto Y Raya Film Festival, Alchemy Film Festival, San Diego Underground Film Festival, Indie Street Festival - DETOUR Gallery, London Experimental @ the Pump House Museum, Kinodot Film Festival - Russia, Film Fest @ Gallery Studio 44 - Sweden, UltraCinema Mexico
Trans/Figure/Ground - 2016
Selected screenings: Antimatter Media Festival, Deluge Contemporary Arts, Plug Projects, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Punto Y Raya Film Festival, Athens International Film Festival, Chicago Underground Film Festival, San Diego Underground Film Festival, Winnipeg Underground Film Festival, Montreal Underground Film Festival, International Video Art Festival Madrid, PLUG Projects - Kansas City, Edge of Frame @ the Barbican in London, The Public Cinema in Knoxville, Other Cinema in San Francisco, SUPERNORMAL Festival in UK, Florence Arts Night Out, Labocine Issue #35 "The Science of Cinema"
KCBT - Khoan Cắt Bê Tông (Concrete Cutting and Drilling) - 2015
Hanoi, Vietnam
Selected screenings: Antimatter Media Arts Festival, Ann Arbor Film Festival
PXXXL - 2013
Selected screenings: Images Festival Toronto, Winnipeg Underground Film Festival, FLEX Festival, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Athens International Film Festival, Strange Beauty Film Festival, Haverhill Experimental Film Festival, Contraband Cinema, Asheville Art Museum, PLUG Projects - Kansas City, Punto Y Raya Film Festival
On the Mountain - 2010
Selected screenings: Margaret Meade Film Festival at the Museum of Natural History NYC, LA New Wave Film Festival, Echo Park Film Center
The Western Front - 2009
Selected screenings: Athens International Film Festival, Festival of (In)appropriation
For Ilse - 2007
Selected screenings: Cucalorus Film Festival, FLEX Fest
Altitude Zero - 2004
Selected screenings: Athens International Film Festival, Wisconsin Film Festival, Women in the Director's Chair, PDX, Humboldt International Film Festival, VideoEX Film Festival, Antimatter Film Festival, Brighton Film Festival, Other Cinema in San Francisco, NextFrame Film Festival, Des Moines Art Center, Cannes Film Festival's Emerging Filmmakers Showcase, Gene Siskel Film Center, Braquage Paris, KinoLab Poland, FOL Istanbul, Microscope Gallery (Brooklyn), Fem&Co. @ Denver Museum of Contemporary Art
Handmade - 2004
Selected screenings: Black Maria Film Festival, FLEX Festival, VideoEX Switzerland, Athens International Film Festival, Contraband Cinema, Un/Exposed Screening Series, Antimatter Film Festival, Humboldt International Film Festival, Festival Des Cinemas Differents De Paris
The Fair and the Weak - 2003
Selected screenings: NewFest: New York Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Frameline: San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, Humboldt International Film Festival